
Fake alien invasion
Fake alien invasion

fake alien invasion

The theory claims that members of the Pentagon, NASA. This was my belief before Trump, this is my belief after Trump: more infrastructure spending is good, but it needs to come with reforms. A real life alien was found dead in a small town in South America - but the body has already mysteriously disappeared. Project Blue Beam (NASA) is reported to be a conspiracy theory introduced by Canadian investigative journalist Serge Monast in the mid-1990s.

fake alien invasion

And overall we need to do better to develop best practices to avoid the outrageous costs problem we seem to have compared to other developed nations. We should fund this by increasing the gas tax because that is a good thing by itself. The video is unusual in that it shows an attack on U.S. We should follow through on the old republican demand to repeal Davis-Bacon, and we should utilize more TIGER Grants that utilize cost-benefit and seem to have worked pretty well. A new Chinese Air Force video depicts bombers attacking targets on the island of Guam and Hawaii. The extent of the pivot is really something to behold.įor myself, I remain worried about wastefulness in infrastructure spending like I always have. But I expected stagnationists like Krugman would get their complaints out, demand hard bargaining, but accept in the end we should bite the bullet. In June, the Pentagon released a highly anticipated report on unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP), the now preferred nomenclature by some in the extraterrestrial community, which found more than 140. I have expected some inconsistency for pundits now that the country’s most prominent Keynesian is a vulgar, bullying, xenophobic Republican. The extent of this problem is proportional to how much infrastructure spending is going to happen without additional federal action over the next few years, and we have been told constantly the answer to this is “far, far too little”. The alien prediction was made in a video Alaric posted back in December 2022 but it’s gone viral again as the date gets closer. But same could be said all along with respect to more federal infrastructure spending, since the state might have been planning to do this stuff anyway. Time traveler says aliens will invade on March 23. Krugman also wonders in his recent piece “…how much of the investment thus financed would actually be investment that wouldn’t have taken place anyway?” So now we are concerned with crowding out infrastructure spending. I mean, if I were president, I would want to create a.

fake alien invasion

I guess now that Trump is elected Krugman is calling off the fake alien invasion. Is this what the world is moving us toward It probably should be. Re: Former FBI agent John Desouza exposes the coming Fake Alien Invasion.

Fake alien invasion